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Pros and Cons of Social Media on Teen

For many people, social media plays a significant role in their leisure time. When the internet initially became widely used in the early 1990s, online social groups had their start. Particularly for teenagers and young adults, it was an exciting moment. Although personal computers were uncommon, college students could use the school's computer facility. Even for seats in the lab, there were waiting lists. The first social media hints came from chat rooms. Students would locate a chat room and enjoy connecting with people worldwide rather than typing up an English paper.

Using social media during the day might easily consume several hours. It can be challenging to pull ourselves away from mobile social networking apps. We have been raised to believe that we can always see what everyone else is doing. Focusing on the present becomes challenging as a result. Even though life may be going on around us, we frequently choose not to notice.

Before moving on, let's start with the negative aspects of children using social media.

Cons: Self-image, bullying, phony "peer sets," identity theft, stalking, and a propensity towards the superficial

The ugly truth is that when our kids use social media, they are exposed to a lot.

It is frequently the justification for social networks' requirement that users create accounts at the age of 13 or older. Some parents decide to lie about their child's birthdate to allow them to use it sooner, which can work under strict supervision as long as strict oversight doesn't lapse.

Some kids make up their birth dates without their parent's knowledge. Naturally, it is assumed that around 13, children are only beginning to digest the information they are exposed to. Parents should base their decision on their unique child's behaviors, maturity, and experience rather than the child's birthdate.

Are kids more likely to be in danger online? Yes, in some respects. Peers and adults can target their victims by setting up anonymous accounts, making bullying more straightforward. Parents are right to be concerned about the negative aspects of the internet. You can help protect your child from falling victim to either of these situations by establishing clear boundaries with them, keeping a close eye on them, and frequently checking in and reiterating your expectations.

Pros: Regarding Children and Social Media:

Possibilities for healthier connections/role models if in a toxic environment at home; working understanding of digital patterns; exposure to "false news" (this is helpful if they learn to differentiate it); available "networking" as they age

Social media has been around for as long as our children, the so-called "digital natives," can remember. Children can be more likely to use social media responsibly if they are trained early on how to consume and utilize it healthily.

Successful social media users will be more self-educated than earlier generations and be able to distinguish between fact and bias and straightforward "false news" much more quickly. They are more politically active and have tremendous enthusiasm for social concerns. They'll be able to recognize an online fraud much more rapidly and efficiently than those of us who haven't been online as long.

These kids will play a crucial role in transforming the look of social media marketing. While many claims that these youngsters would suffer and be unable to mingle in society, many are doing so because they have been forced to do so throughout their digital lives.

These online friendships may develop into in-person friendships through school, extracurricular activities, and eventually employment. It can be beneficial for an introverted child who can carefully build their online identity and ways of interacting with others. Online friendships can do a lot for the ever-changing child struggling to make sense of the world with proper supervision and direction.


Social media first emerged as a lighthearted method of communication. You may even use some apps to locate long-lost friends. Although social media has taken over, this can still be a terrific method to start a conversation and maintain contact. Some people have made social media platforms a way of life rather than just a tool to improve their social lives. Breaking a habit that occupies so much of your day might be intimidating. Step away from your computer and meet in person to boost your connections.

Social media mainly affects how we all interact with one another. Instead of focusing on the people around us, we are tuned into our devices. People occasionally need to consider how they treat one another. Due to the impersonal nature of social media, they might become even more ugly. Different information on social media can cause young people to make cruel comments about themselves and others. Spend some time bringing back the actual people in your life. Although there are established signs that social media is slowing down, being informed of the situation may be helpful.

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